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- Elections and Voting
- Leadership and Caucuses
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- Leadership and Caucuses
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- Elections and Voting
- Leadership and Caucuses
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- Elections and Voting
- Leadership and Caucuses
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- Elections and Voting
- Leadership and Caucuses
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FCDC Leadership
Colleen Taylor
Larry Jackson
Immediate Past Co-Chair
Immediate Past Co-Chair
Bob Zwick & Whitney Petrilli
10th Congressional District Reps
Website Manager
Carolyn Woodard
Cedar Run District Leader
Deputy Leader -
Precinct Captains:
Kettle Run- Carolyn Woodard
Catlett -
Casanova -
Lois - Carolyn Woodard
Opal - Colleen Taylor
Baldwin Ridge - Andy Hall
Nancy Treusch
Center District Leader
Deputy leader - Loren Eastman
Precinct Captains:
Airlie - Nancy Treusch
Warrenton W 1 - Don & Paula Patrick
Warrenton W 2- Melissa WiedenfeldWarrenton W 3 - Jennifer Major
Warrenton W 4 - Steve & Kathy Kadilak
Warrenton W 5 - Sam Jesselson and
Hugh Langford
Donna Rose
Lee District Leader
Precinct Captains:
Botha - Donna Rose (temp)
Morrisville - Andrea Martens
Bealeton - Taryn WeaverTown of Remington - Donna Rose (temp)
Irv Woods
Marshall District Leader
Deputy Leaders - Kim Gibson
Jeff Millington
Precinct Captains:
Marshall - Kathy Marmet
Leeds - Jeff Millington
Waterloo - Kim Gibson
Springs Valley - Marilyn Cheek
Larry Jackson
Scott District Leader
Deputy Mag Leader -
Precinct Captains:
Town of The Plains - Christy Willis
Hopewell- Nigel OgilvieNew Baltimore - Harrison Premen
Broad Run -
Vint Hill - Virginia JacksonLeadership Team